There are many individuals that suffer from migraine headaches. Some of the most common treatments involve strong medication and useful preventive techniques. Although there is no definite answer as to why a migraine occurs, there are various speculations. Each individual that suffers with this ailment has different triggers and effects. On some occasions the migraine will produce a throbbing pain to one side of the head and feelings of nausea with vomiting. Light sensitivity, vision problems and dizziness are also accompanied symptoms experienced by some migraine sufferers.
Migraines affect more than 30,000,000 people and that is only in the U.S. If you account the numbers to worldwide, the number rises up to 500 million people! and that is only those who have been diagnosed. Taking note of those who have not been diagnosed the number raises to a whooping 1 billion people.
Yoga can be used as a prevention technique that will help to reduce stress and even avoid some of the causes of a migraine attack. With a few simple tips, you'll soon learn how to use yoga for migraine attacks.
1. Use a breathing technique called Kapalabhati for five minutes. It is often used as a cleansing activity when you first enter into your yoga activity. Performing this calming routine will quickly help to relieve any stressful feelings. Breathing in a quick, but consistent manner is also a good idea when doing this. Sit in a comfortable position on the floor with your legs completely crossed. Place your hands on your legs with your palms facing upward and begin breathing deeply.
2. Perform the mountain pose for 10 minutes. This particular activity will help to promote relaxation, strength and stillness. Just like a mountain that does not move, your body will remain in this same state. Stand completely straight with both of your feet slightly apart. Allow your arms to hang downward. Breathe deeply during this exercise and let your body remain in a relaxed position. You will keep it in a completely still and avoid any sort of unnecessary movement.
3. Begin performing the hands to feet activity that will help you physically. This is a useful exercise for trimming some unwanted inches from your waist and also for increasing your flexibility. If you are not able to do this activity fully during your first few yoga sessions, then start off slowly. Eventually, your body will become accustomed to this activity and you'll soon be able to do it with ease. Breathe deeply and then raise your arms directly above your head. Slowly bend forward to place your hands on your feet. As you do this, remember to breathe deeply and try not to force your body into an uncomfortable movement. This is supposed to be relaxing. You should remain in this position for five minutes.
4. Start performing the child pose. This action will allow you to gently stretch your shoulders, hips and the muscles in your back. It is also a very relaxing posture activity which will help to improve the circulation in your body when experiencing a migraine. To get started, you'll need to kneel and then sit with your heels pointing in an outward motion. Make sure that your knees are separated by the width of your hips and not placed inside. Position your forehead on the floor and gently swing your arms in front of you. With your forehead resting on the floor, move your arms to the side with your palms facing upward. Stay in this position for five minutes.
5. Make the final step in your yoga for migraine regimen. In order to achieve a relaxing state of mind when suffering from a migraine, using the final corpse position is a way to help. Lay completely flat on your back. Gently lift your right foot about an inch from the floor. Hold your leg in this tensed position for 30 seconds and then place it back onto the floor. Repeat this same routine on your left leg. Hold your buttocks tightly together and then gently lift your hips off the floor. After 30 seconds allow yourself to drop downward. Turn your head to one side and then tuck in your chin. Perform this action again for the other side. Find the most comfortable position for yourself and just lie completely flat on the floor with legs and arms spread out. Remain in this position for 10 minutes.