This is also difficult and strenuous asan belonging to the advanced group of asans. This asan is also named as Pranasana by some Yogis. The asan when performed well resembles the written Sanskrit Syllable 'OM'which stands for the Absolute.
Technique: On a folded banket,sit in any easy posture,and upturn the right foot on the left thigh against the growin. Grasp the left foot and place the left leg behind the left shoulder and the head. Place the palms of the hands flat on the floor neat the hips. Breathe slowly and rhythmically. Remain in this pose for a few minutes. Change side and repeat. Come to the original position and relax
Benefits: This asan tones the abdominal organs,strengthens nervous system, the hips joints,and legs,helps digestion and removes constipation. It also cures arthritis,hyperacidity,asthma and bronchitis.