‘Bhujanga’ means a serpent. In the pose of Bhujangasana, on e imitates a cobra reared up on its caudal support and the hood fully expanded. So this asana is called Bhujangasana.

Technique : Lie on the floor with the face downwards. Relax all the muscles of the body. Place the palms on the ground underneath the shoulders. Slowly raise the head and the trunk like the hood of a serpent. Bend the spine backwards. Stretch the feet backwards so that the toes touch the ground. This will stretch well the muscles of the back and the shoulders. There will be strain on the abdomen. Hold the breath and hold this position for six to eight seconds. Then exhale and bring the head to its original position. When you first lie on the ground, Keep the chin touching the chest. Hold the breath till the head remains in the raised position. Then exhale slowly. Practice this asana five to six times.

Advantages :

(1) This asana removes spinal pain and cures other spinal disorders.
(2) This asana exerts pressure on the internal organs of the abdomen. It pushes waste matter to the anus and thus cures constipation and increases the heat in the body.
(3) It strengthens the ovary and the uterus with the result that delivery becomes natural and easy.
(4) It exercises the spine properly, activates the abdominal organs and removes abdominal pain.
(5) It develops the chest, the neck, and other parts of the head. It makes the body shapely.

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