This is a reverse posture of Mastsyasana, hence it is called Viparita Matsyasana. This is called Supta Padmasana also.

Technique : Lie on the left side of the body. Place both legs in the position of padmasan. Then lie on the chest and abdomen. Bend the neck to the back and put the chin on the ground. Hold the toes with the thumbs and index fingers of the hands. Inhale slowly. Hold this position for eight to ten seconds. Gradually, increase the time to the limit of ten minutes.

Advantages :

(1) This asana broadens the chest and strengthens the lungs. It gives the maximum benefit to the spine with the minimum effort.

(2) The regular practice of this asana exercises the joints of the neck as well as the large and small joints of the body. It tones up the muscles.

(3) It eliminates the diseases such as constipation, gas-trouble, indigestion, cold, tuberculosis, asthma and dysentery.

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