If 'Pashchimottanasana' is attained in a standing posture, it becomes a different Yogic exercise known as 'Padahastasana'. This asana is also called 'Sthita Pashchi mottanasana'. Some people call it 'Hastapada Mangasana'.

Technique :

Stand erect. Keep the arms by the sides. Keep the heels close together. Keep some gap between the feet. Raise both the arms. Slowly bend forward at the waist. Keep the knees stiff and firm. The legs should not bend at the knees. Also do not let the arms bend at the elbows. Keep the palms under the feet as shown in the figure. Slowly exhale while bending low and contract the stomach. Now put your forehead between the knees. If it is difficult to bend low because of fat around the abdomen, try to bend the body slowly; do not bend the knees. Hold this position for two to ten seconds.

Advantages :

(1) This asana removes the superfluous fat from the body making the body light.

(2) It has all the benefits of Pashchimottanasana.

(3) It directs the 'apanvayu' downwards and out at the anus.

(4)It rectifies any unevenness in length in the leg owing to the fracture of any bones either in the leg or the thigh.

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